Packaging Requirements

Long-term Packaging

Product Protection

Product Protection

Long-term packaging is designed to protect sensitive products throughout their life-cycle - in transit, storage and handling. We provide a complete range of packaging for long-term product protection. We develop and offer standard sizes as well as solutions that are completely customized in terms of dimensions, materials, components and locks.

Long-Term Packaging Solutions

While there are several types of product that only need to be packaged for a short period of time, others are in need of more long-term packaging solution. Packaging solutions for products that need to be protected for a longer period of time are designed with increased durability. There are several different long-term packaging solutions that we offer in order to provide our clients with the most choices and the best options in the industry.

Long-Term Packaging Solutions

When to use it

Long-term packaging solution should be used when a product is going to spend a fair share of time in the package. This includes the time spent in transport and storage, the time the product will remain in the packaging by the end user, and when manual handling is needed. There are several industries in which long-term packaging solutions are needed more than others. A few of these are: Automotive, Telecom, Defense, Media, Retail, Government industries.

When to use it

Long-Term Packaging

Different Types of Solutions

We offer a wide selection of different long-term packaging solutions. We can customize solutions in terms of dimensions, materials, components and locks. Long lasting product protection often has a brand-building function which we cater to with customized colors, materials and other fittings.

Insight & News

Need more information

For more information about the different types of solutions that we can offer for Long-Term Packaging, please read our insights or contact us today.


For more information about long-term packaging solutions, contact us today.