Pooling Services

Nefab's pooling services make it easy for you to use returnable packaging. From pick-up to maintenance and distribution, they cover all operations required to provide returnable packaging when and where it is needed. Complementing our digital services, pooling services unleash the full potential of Nefab's returnable packaging solutions in terms of flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability. Choose whether to own or rent packaging and benefit from customized service solutions and more than 20 years of experience.

Pooling Services for Returnable Packaging

Returnable and reusable packaging solutions provide a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to one-way packaging. However, the return, storage and maintenance of returnable packaging requires additional reverse logistics operations. Nefab's pooling services not only cover these operations efficiently and allow you to streamline your operations. They also provide additional benefits. Our pooling services give you the flexibility to adjust the size of your returnable packaging pool as your needs change, whether you rent or own your packaging. You also don't have to store packaging at your facilities or plan for disposal and recycling at the end of the packaging cycle. Ready-to-use packaging is made available when and where you need it.

Pooling Services for Returnable Packaging

How it works: Nefab’s Customized Pooling Services

With over twenty years of experience in managing returnable packaging pools globally, Nefab offers customized pooling services that make it easy for you to use returnable packaging. We manage and handle your packaging pool, taking care of the storage, kitting, and just-in-time distribution of 'ready to use' packaging to you. In addition, we arrange for pickup of the packaging from the end customers and perform quality control, cleaning, and repair at Nefab's numerous locations around the world. Our pooling services are tailored to meet specific client needs, taking into account factors such as turnover rate, delivery frequency and cleanliness standards.

How it works: Nefab’s Customized Pooling Services


Packaging, Logistics and Digital Services

Below you can find additional information about returnable packaging and the various services we offer.

